

The area of Las Vegas Ranch was first homesteaded by William J. Simmons in 1864; most of the early settlers in Williamson Valley were cattle ranchers. Simmons also established a stage station (around mile marker 21 on Williamson Valley Road); later a post office called "Wilson" was built at the stage station. When Simmons died, the post office was moved to the east. After several transactions, the ranch was called the "Roberts and Young" place after the owners at that time.

In 1938, John A. Thompson purchased the tract and the ranch was named "Las Vegas." In Spanish, las vegas means the meadows, aptly named for the ranch's lush pastures which are rare in Northern Arizona.

The Pierce family, led by Delbert Pierce, purchased the ranch in 1959. The Pierce family later purchased the Seven V Ranch, the historic northern Arizona property where Harold Bell Wright worked as a cowboy and wrote the best selling novelWhen a Man's a Man. Today, the ranch runs a commercial Hereford/ Angus cross herd, a registered Hereford herd, and a registered Angus herd.

In addition to many honors in the cattle business, Las Vegas Ranch is a recognized leader in land stewardship. Twice the Society for Range Management has awarded the Las Vegas Ranch the Range Manager of the Year award for Arizona. In 2005, the Arizona Game and Fish Commission awarded the ranch the Wildlife Habitat Stewardship Award. And in 2006, the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies of the United States, Canada, and Mexico honored Steve Pierce and the Las Vegas Ranch with the 2006 Private Lands Fish & Wildlife Stewardship Award.

LV Ranch Estate's 4,900 acres were carved from the northwest portion of Las Vegas Ranch, which includes some of the finest Prescott, Arizona property. In planning and building LV Ranch Estates, unlike other Arizona ranches for sale, the developer, Peter Gooding, applied the same principles the Pierces followed in managing their award-winning ranch; respect for the land and a commitment to do things right, for the long haul.

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