Annual Board Meeting and Call for Board Candidates 

The Annual Meeting of the Las Vegas Ranch Estates Property Owners Association will be held at Hoamco’s office on Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 5 PM.  Click here for the Meeting Agenda. Two (2) Director will be elected at this Meeting for a three (3) year term.  

Click here for Statement of Interest form for any member wishing to run for the Board. Members must be in good standing in order to be eligible for a Board Position. Only the names on the statements received by January 30, 2025 will be considered to be placed on the mailed Absentee Ballot. Please print your name as you wish it to appear on the Ballot. If you wish to include a statement of qualifications or other information, please feel free to do so. The completed application must be received at the HOAMCO office, no later than 4pm on January 30, 2025. Thank you for your willingness to become involved in your Community!  

If you have any questions regarding any of the above, please feel free to contact Hannah Johnston at 928-776-4479 ext. 1172 or by email at

 Traffic Security Camera

Construction traffic entering and exiting the Fair Oaks Gate is the biggest source of violations of our construction regulations and the often-attendant speeding and reckless driving pose a significant threat to the safety of our residents.  Unauthorized entry by delivery, supply, and service vehicles compounds the problem.

How are unauthorized vehicles entering and exiting the Fair Oaks Gate?  There are several ways:

  • Even though contractors are prohibited by pre-construction agreements from using the Fair Oaks Gate and are issued key cards that only work on the Camp Wood gates, some have current or older all-access cards given to them by property owners.

  • Some are using 4-digit codes generally reserved for emergency vehicles and utility companies (e.g., APS, Midvale, etc.). After some time, these 4-digit codes tend to inappropriately enter the public domain.

  • Some vehicles park and wait at the gate and follow an unsuspecting owner.

  • Most, however, are inappropriately, willfully, or carelessly granted access by property owners via the 3-digit phone code. 

To help squash this community problem, we have installed an EyeTrax Traffic Security camera just inside the South entry to Las Vegas Ranch Estates. The camera captures any (and all) motion events (i.e., traffic) in both vivid video and a still image. When we receive reports of possible inappropriate use of the Fair Oaks gate or reports of speeding or reckless driving, we can use both the video and gate access codes to determine the source of the problem.
The traffic data collected by this new approach allows us to detect violations in a systematic, objective, and unbiased fashion.  It is not our intent to use this data to just support fine assessments.  Rather, we hope to use the data to engage and encourage community members to help us mitigate one of the biggest threats to the security, safety, and well-being of residents at Las Vegas Ranch Estates. 

So, how can you help?

  • Please remember: the management of construction projects, supervision of contractors, and enforcement of construction regulations are the responsibility of property owners.  As such, property owners engaged in construction projects are responsible and liable for any violations of the construction regulations

  • Please do not give contractors and/or their sub-contractors your all-access key cards.

  • Please retrieve any all-access key cards you have previously given out.

  • Please instruct all delivery or service personnel to only use the Camp Wood gates.  (Note that in rare cases with extenuating circumstances, the DRC may authorize access through the Fair Oaks Gate.  In those situations, property owners must contact the DRC in advance for special authorization).

  • Please do not permit any unauthorized vehicle to enter the Fair Oaks Gate using your 3-digit phone code.

  • Please report any observation(s) of a possible unauthorized vehicle on the restricted stretch of Las Vegas Ranch Road to Jennifer Leach at Hoamco.

  • Please report speeding or reckless driving anywhere on our roads to Jennifer.  Please note that the Board will have little patience for reckless driving and in most cases, reckless driving will result in a fine. 

The LVRE Board thanks you for your help and support in our continued efforts to protect and enhance the safety, security, and well-being of our residents.

In the Event of a Wildfire…


Due to the extended drought and extremely dry conditions throughout Arizona and the West, the threat of a wildfire in the vicinity of Las Vegas Ranch Estates has increased. It is important that you know what to do in the event of a local wildfire. Click here to see suggestions on how to respond to a threatening wildfire, some reading material on what to have ready in case of evacuation, information on animal evacuations, and a map with escape routes.